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Mahara ( Mahara is an open-source ePortfolio platform that enables learners to create and share their digital portfolios, showcasing their achievements, reflections, and evidence of learning. It supports lifelong learning and provides a space for self-directed learning documentation.
EdX ( EdX is a massive open online course (MOOC) platform that offers free access to courses from top universities and institutions worldwide. Learners can access course materials, participate in discussions, and earn certificates of completion.
MIT OpenCourseWare ( MIT OpenCourseWare offers free access to course materials from nearly all of MIT's undergraduate and graduate programs. Learners can access lecture notes, assignments, exams, and other resources to enhance their understanding of various topics.
PhET Interactive Simulations ( PhET provides interactive science and mathematics education simulations. These simulations allow learners to explore scientific concepts and phenomena through hands-on virtual experiments.
CK-12 Foundation ( CK-12 offers customizable digital textbooks and resources for K-12 education. Their materials cover various subjects and are designed to adapt to different learning styles and educational needs.
Curriki ( Curriki is a global community that provides an extensive library of free, open educational resources contributed by educators worldwide. It covers diverse subjects, grade levels, and instructional formats.
Open Textbook Library ( The Open Textbook Library provides a wide range of peer-reviewed, openly licensed textbooks for various college-level subjects. Expert authors create these textbooks and are freely available to students, significantly reducing their textbook expenses.